Pass Information

Passes available here: Eventbrite - Salsa Tumbao 2024

For the super eager.
$130 for a full pass available until 28 October @ midnight.

Gives you access to all workshops and the Saturday Night party with live Cuban band - Ke Lo Ke

$160 for a full pass available from 28 October @ midnight until 24 November.

Gives you access to all workshops and the Saturday Night party with live Cuban band - Ke Lo Ke

For those who work weekends.
$80 for a day pass.

Gives you access to workshops on either Saturday or Sunday and the Saturday Night party with live Cuban band -
Ke Lo Ke

For those who want to purchase tickets for selected workshops.
$20 per class. 

Gives you access to one class of your choice.

Please note these can only be purchased on the day.

For the party on Saturday Night

Gives you access to the Saturday Night party with live Cuban band - Ke Lo Ke

For those who are studying.
$80 for a full pass. Available only to those with a valid student ID.

Gives you access to all workshops and the Saturday Night party with live Cuban band - Ke Lo Ke

(Note for access to the party you will need to prove you are 18.)

NOTE - Friday night party is not included in your pass - but swing by anyway!